
About Us

The Islamic Guidance Centre (IGC) is a newly established charity.

We believe the best way to make a difference in our society is to help residents improve is by empowering them with education and helping them achieve a better standard of life for themselves and their families.

IGC operates on Islamic beliefs and teachings and we know that Islam can help enhance and beautify everyone’s life.

Our aims are to:

  • Target and cater for the needs of the diverse Muslim community as well as ensuring our services are open to everyone within the community at large.
  • Promote holistic well-being and self sufficiency within the local community through access to education, training, employment opportunities and health and this is, the long term goal of IGC.
  • Provide a friendly environment for Muslims and non-Muslims alike to learn and understand Islam, through social interaction, dialogue, discussion and classes.
  • IGC supports the local community to enable it to positively participate in society with the knowledge, confidence and skills. It promotes access to the society’s opportunities, benefit and decision-making processes.
  • IGC facilitates the local community with opportunities for a wholesome growth within a community setting, thereby enabling them to be productive and economically self reliant, socially responsible, spiritually alert, culturally sensitive and environmentally friendly through its development strategies, policies and services.
  • Nurture and develop all of IGC’s students intellectually and their academic skills to a brilliant standard to help build the local community’s future generations.